Your Bridge to Success

from Competence to Artistry

Gillian Harris

I am a cellist and mentor with over 40 years of professional orchestral experience in Switzerland and internationally.

Coaching young Musicians

I offer coaching to cellists, advanced string players and instrumentalists, challenging and supporting you as you cross the bridge from competence to artistry.

Mentoring Advanced String Players

My aim is to share my knowledge and experience with upcoming cellists and string players.  Once the groundwork is in place, your further progress will be all about making subtle but significant adjustments in terms of instrumental skill and musical insight. This vital phase of work can be  facilitated by the help and reassurance of an experienced eye and ear. As in any competitive professional field, every step you take across the bridge is a step towards finding the professional fulfilment you deserve!

“A mentor of Ms. Harris’s calibre, who is so highly cultured herself, so keenly in touch with the challenging situation we face today, and able to offer such outstanding support on both the professional and the existential level, can in certain cases literally make the difference between success and failure for the emerging professional.”

Benjamin Gregor-Smith

Assistant Principal Cellist, Basel Symphony Orchestra, Switzerland


“She is there for orchestral trainees at any time with advice and support, and in certain cases she has maintained her role even after they are no longer trainees. It is no wonder that many have performed very well during their year in the orchestra and have gone on to find success and excellent jobs of their own.”

Dennis Russell Davies

Concert Pianist  and Conductor

“It is no exaggeration to say that I could not be where I am today without Ms Harris’s support. I am sure that anyone who has the good fortune to be mentored by her will come to the same conclusion. She has an amazingly sharp, analytical musical mind and knows exceptionally well how to get her point across and inspire the student.”

Lev Sivkov

Principal Cellist – Philharmonia Zürich, Switzerland

“She is always willing to go the extra mile, generously and patiently offering her time and attention to the young people in her charge in whatever way they may need. With intelligence and humour, she inspires them not only to become fine orchestral players, but also to mature as human beings.”

Antoine Lederlin

Principal Cellist – Basel Symphony Orchestra, Switzerland

“A gifted and dedicated teacher can make a decisive, even life-changing, difference to emerging professionals, by shaping and optimizing their natural abilities, stimulating their musical insight, and guiding and supporting them as they navigate through the cut-and-thrust of auditions and job interviews to find the place they deserve. Ms. Harris fits the above description par excellence.”

Marc Taddei

Conductor  – USA, New Zealand

“Teachers such as Ms Harris, who have personally experienced the pressures and demands that young players will be facing when they enter the profession, and know how to train students to meet those challenges, are a more valuable resource than ever before.”

Angela Schwartz

Cellist and Pedagogue